Contact OneNeed

Are you a church leader looking for help with benevolence or looking to help people in need, we want to connect with you. Reach out to start the conversation on how we can collaborate with compassion and care.

Let’s work together to meet every need!


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Kind Words From Our Partners

Passion City Church

“OneNeed has been a game changer for our Care Ministry here at Passion City Church. Not only are they able to raise financial assistance for people in our local church, but they also reach out to each and every person with love and encouragement, while also shooting straight with them about their current financial crisis. We believe that OneNeed SEES THE PERSON BEFORE THE NEED, and that means everything to us here at PCC, and to our community!”

Matt Carter, Care Pastor

Passion City Church

RiverStone Church

“Benevolence ministry was something that always bothered me. Was I doing enough? Was I actually helping or just enabling? Isn’t there a better way to do this? Since we began partnering with OneNeed, all those questions have been answered. For the first time, I feel like we are doing this well, and I am at peace about what we provide in this area of ministry.”

Dr. Tom Tanner, Lead Pastor

RiverStone Church

Buckhead Church

“Like most churches, we have a small staff relative to the number of people we serve, and we all wear many hats. OneNeed gives us peace of mind in knowing that anyone who comes to our church looking for help will receive a call in a timely manner, have an opportunity to share their story, and feel loved. It often works out that OneNeed is able to distribute more funds to people in need than our annual contribution to the ministry.”

Kit Stevens, MoneyWise Director

Buckhead Church

His Hands Church

“Before OneNeed, we never had a real vision for helping people, financially. We were generous, but always wished we could do more, or wondered whether we were making the right judgement calls. With OneNeed, we’ve raised tens of thousands of dollars to give to people in need, confident that they are in the right place to truly benefit. We’ve seen our church get more excited about being generous as well. It’s been a true joy!”

Justin McTeer, Lead Pastor

His Hands Church