Sign Up and Get Alerted
Getting alerted to needs gives you the opportunity to read and respond to fact based stories of real people in real need! We simply ask that you consider to “Pray. Share. Give.” to needs as you receive them.
A Community of Generosity
OneNeed gives you a way to help people with urgent financial needs. Every day, we receive benevolence requests from a nationwide network of churches. Our team speaks with each person and fully hears their story. After a thorough vetting process, we share legitimate needs with a community of caring people, like you, who pray for each person and contribute in a tangible way whenever they feel led.
Your Giving Makes a Difference
Need requests come through local churches.
Each need is vetted by our care team.
Every dollar goes directly to meet a need.
Pray, Share & Give
When you join the OneNeed community, you receive occasional emails with fact-based stories about people in need. We call them Need Alerts. Every Need Alert reminds you to pray for a person in need. You can share the need on social media, and contribute to any need whenever you feel led. By joining with others who want to love their neighbor, small sacrifices add up to life-changing relief for each person in need.
Help us meet every need – one need at a time.